WoW: Hearthing and You - A Guide to Hearth Stones and Bind Locations

by on Apr 17, 2008

<span style="font-weight: bold;">Home is Where the Hearth Is</span><br>

Home is Where the Hearth

Every player in the World of Warcraft has a hearth stone. Yet many
players never think twice about their hearth stone or it's bind
location. Many don't even learn about it until they are well into
leveling towards 70. Your hearth stone is a critical piece of gear that
you can use to make your gaming experience much easier and faster, yet
it is rarely discussed.

A great place to bind to now is the inns that have
access to both
continents easily. This is because many more of your quests will have
you bouncing around between zones and continents. For Alliance this
would mean Theramore or Menethil Harbor, while for Horde it could be
The Undercity, Orgrimmar, Booty Bay or the Crossroads.

Hearthing and You - A Guide to Hearth Stones and Bind Locations
in our forums

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016