WoW: Howling Fjord Overview

by on May 30, 2008

<span style="font-weight: bold;">&nbsp;Will it be a Howling Good Time?</span><br>

 Will it be a
Howling Good Time?

Today we continue our coverage on Northrend, this time focusing on the
Howling Fjord. Located in South-East Northrend, it forms Daggercap Bay,
which is, as we know, where Arthas originally landed on this continent
seeking to defeat Mal'Ganis. After Arthas left his men behind, they
formed the settlement of Valgarde, the Alliance's first
settlement in Northrend. The Howling Fjord has a lot of tasks for
players arriving in Northrend, and they will need to deal with many
kinds of monsters, not only undead.


style="font-style: italic;">Being one of the new races
introduced into the conflict in the cold north, the Vrykul are an
ancient race of half-giant warriors native to the Howling Fjord. In
ancient times, it is said that they inhabited all of this land, and
founded a prosperous civilization, however, suddenly they all
disappeared, leaving ruins, deserted villages and temples behind.

Howling Fjord Overview

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016