WoW: Hunter Survival Talent Guide

by on Feb 04, 2008

<span style="font-weight: bold;">Hunting for a Great Guide? Here You Go!</span><br>

Hunting for a Great
Guide? Here You Go!

The Hunter class has many great talents and some that aren't so great.
Which are which though? To many new players it is not always clear.
This leads players to following other players builds rather than
creating a build that suits their play style. The aim of this guide is
to help you create your own build, or perfect an existing one to better
suit you. You can do this by better understanding each
talent.  We start the guide off today with a look at the Beast
Mastery Tree.

This Survival Talent Guide goes over each of the
talents in the talent
tree meant to keep you alive the longest. The survival talent tree is
usually viewed as the melee talent tree, but this isn't necessarily
true. It is more about getting away or avoiding melee damage than
actually fighting in melee. It provides bonuses to things like dodge,
agility and critical hits. Many of its talents are heavily geared
towards PvP aspects of the game, so if you PvP a lot, this may be the
talent tree for you.

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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016