WoW Newbie Guide: Getting Started

by on Apr 25, 2008

<span style="font-weight: bold;">For the Newb in Each of Us</span><br>

For the Newb in Each of Us

Our newbie guide is getting a few additions, and kicking things off is
a Getting Started Guide that explains the ins and outs of the game in a
quick and easy to understand manner. This is the perfect guide to
follow-up our Choosing a Class guide as it starts the moment you enter
the game. So if you're new to the game, need a refresher, or know
someone who is starting then be sure to give this guide a look!

The first thing you'll have to do is create a
character. Character
creation is covered in our Newbie Guide along with our Choosing a Class
guide. Once your character is made you'll find yourself watching an
opening cinematic (which can be skipped with the ESC key). After the
cinematic your character will be loaded into the game and you should be
facing an NPC (that's a non-playable character or in simpler terms a
character played by the game) with a yellow exclamation point over its

Newbie Guide: Getting Started

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016