WoW: Priest Guide: Equipment Update

by on May 14, 2008

<span style="font-weight: bold;">There's More to it Than Style</span><br>

There's More to it Than

Gear and equipment choices are complicated for any class or situation,
but even more so for a Priest asPriests have two main
roles and several different requirements, all of which drastically
change the gear they'll be looking for. In today's update Byron
"Messiah" Mudry looks at the numerous options open to a Priest and lays
out some guidelines for choosing the best gear.

As a Priest the stats you require don't really vary
on your build all
that much, although the balance between the stats changes. The two main
builds for a Priest are a Healing build (either based on Holy or
Discipline) or a Shadow build for damage or PvP. As a Healing priest
your main stats in order of importance are going to be Intelligence,
Spirit and Stamina. While if you are a shadow priest you are going to
pull aggro once in a while and need to take a few more hits, therefore
the stats you want in priority are Intelligence, Stamina and Spirit.

Priest Guide: Equipment Update

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016