WoW: Zul'Aman - Akil'Zon Guide Update

by on Nov 13, 2007

<span style="font-weight: bold;">Zul'Aman Revisited</span><br> <br> Our WoW community site's new Zul'Aman guide has received its second update. This time, we go over what to expect, and how to defeat Akil'Zon the Eagle Loa! <br> <br> <blockquote>Kee

Zul'Aman Revisited

Our WoW community site's new Zul'Aman guide has received its second
update. This time, we go over what to expect, and how to defeat
Akil'Zon the Eagle Loa!

Keep everyone topped off the best you can, so you
don't fall prey to
Static Disruption nor his Gust of Wind and die, also make sure everyone
knows to bandage or potion up if they're getting too low and see one of
his special attacks coming.

Guide - Akil'Zon

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016