Zul'Aman Minimum Requirements

by on Jun 10, 2008

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Minimum Requirements for Zul'Aman

Zul'Aman is the next step in 10 man raiding after Karazhan. Due to the fact that it is easy to get to and has good loot many players rush to enter it before being properly geared. As a player you are excited about the various pieces of gear that you can get and the new boss fights to learn, and while you want to go, you need to worry about being geared enough to be useful. What stats do you need to be there? As a raid leader it is even harder to come up with standards on who gets an invite and who doesn't, as it's never fun telling someone that they can not go.


Over time playing through Zul'Aman on multiple characters and multiple guilds, I have been asked over and over again, "Can I get an invite?". To which my answer always is "Are you geared for it?". They then invariably answer one of three ways. The first and the one that obviously means they are NOT ready for it is, "Of course, I'm level 70 ". The second and a very intelligent answer, "Um, I'm not sure, what do I need to have as a [Insert Class Here]". The last answer being, "Yes, I've ran it before and gotten all the way to [Insert Boss Name Here]", or "Yes, I've cleared Karazhan multiple times, just never ran Zul'Aman before"..

Obviously, you do not want to invite the first person, as almost no one will be geared to handle Zul'Aman the day they level 70. Yes, there are possible exceptions, but in general the answer is no. Just as obvious, you likely want the third person as long as they are at remotely the same part in Zul'Aman as you are. What you are looking for as a starting point is someone that is able to successfully clear Karazhan or the starting 25 man raids (Gruul or Magtheridon).

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A Tank geared for Zul'Aman

This leads to the minimum standards you want for each class. Taking players with the following minimum stats will at least provide a chance at getting the bear and eagle boss events complete. Past those two you may need slightly higher stats, but a team that works together and clears those two should be able to progress all the way through. All the stats below are base unbuffed stats. This means without food buffs, self buffs, zone buffs, mana or wizard oil, flasks, etc. It is expected that everyone attending will use as many of those items as possible in addition to meeting the minimum requirements.

The biggest change from Karazhan to Zul'Aman is in the tanking + healing requirements, and the over all health and DPS requirements. Everything ramps up substantially from the Karazhan minimums. Tanks now needs at least 16k health buffed to comfortably tank the bosses, and more is always better. Also healers in general require over 1600 +healing. All members also need significantly more health to withstand AOE and charge type effects.

As with anything, there is no guarantee. You could take players that have much higher stats, but no ability to play their character in a group, and fail. Alternately, you could take several with lower stats that play their characters flawlessly and make the raid.

Zul'Aman Minimum Requirements
Class Sub-type
Other Druid Boomkin
+700 Spell Dmg, +75 MP5, 20% Spell Crit in Caster form   Healing
+1600 Healing, +150MP5   Tank
20,000 Armor, 415 Defense with 3 points in survival of the fittest, 35% Dodge Hunter Beast Master
1600 AP, 25% Crit, +142 to hit   Marksman
1800 AP, 22% Crit, +142 to hit Mage All
+900 spell Damage, 25% spell crit, +120 Spell Hit Paladin Retribution
1800 AP, 20% Crit   Healing
+1650 Healing, +100 MP5, 20% Holy Spell Crit.   Tank
490 Defense, 16,000 armor, +250 spell damage, 102.4% avoidance (even though crushing is not an issue). Priest Shadow
+750 Damage   Healing
+1650 Healing, +120 MP5 Rogue All
1600 AP, 25% Crit, +140 to Hit Shaman Melee
1500 AP, +140 to hit, 20% Crit   Healing
+1650 Healing, +120 MP5, 15% Spell crit   Caster DPS
+900 Spell Damage, +100 Spell Hit Warlock Affliction
+800 Spell Damage, +140 Spell Hit   Demonology/Destruction
+800 Spell Damage, 20% Crit, +140 Spell Hit Warrior DPS
1900 AP, +100 to Hit, 35% Crit.   Tank
490 Defense, 12,000 armor, 45% Avoidance (Dodge/Parry/Block/Miss added)

Again, the above stats are a minimum for Zul'Aman, not recommended stats. All players should have them as a starting point, and quickly try to get past them. They are also only for the first four animal bosses, to get the last two bosses down all players should be well over these stats, although with team work it is possible.

Once you are geared and ready to try Zul'Aman, make sure you check out our guide here: Ten Ton Hammer's Guide to Zul'Aman.

Comments or questions? Email us (Messiah@TenTonHammer.com) or post on our forums!


Last Updated: Mar 24, 2022