7-Eleven Becoming a Gamer Haven

by on Nov 21, 2008

<strong>7-Eleven better play by the rules if it wants to be a big gaming dog.</strong> <p></p>

7-Eleven better play by the rules if it wants to be a big gaming dog.

In case you missed the news earlier this week, mega-corner-store market 7-Eleven started selling copies of the Wrath of the Lich King a couple of days early. Now that Wrath is setting single-day sales records 7-eleven apparently thinks it's pretty good at this whole video game deal. Even though the stores will carry console games, 7-Eleven is really centering on MMOs and game cards:

Displayed right next door to the console games is a broad selection of online game gift cards to make virtual purchases in MMOGs or pay for your monthly subscription. Played on the Internet, these online games feature at least one virtual world and enable players from around the world to communicate, cooperate and compete with each other.

"MMOGs got their start in Asia, but have gained a worldwide audience of millions," said Brian Haynes, 7-Eleven category manager for services. "In November of 2007, 7-Eleven was the first convenience retailer in the U.S. to introduce the Nexon gift card, its first foray into the world of MMOGs."

So there you have it, another video game juggernaut is born and yet it's been here the whole time. Look for video games to infiltrate more shopping avenues in a store near you, or at least read what the Wall Street Journal's MarketWatch had to say.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016