APB: Reloaded Kicks Off Valentine's Week Massacre Event

by on Feb 08, 2012

<p><em>APB: Reloaded</em> prepares to celebrate the romantic Valentine’s Day with with violent blood-soaked massacres involving lots of bullets from holiday themed guns.

What better way to celebrate Valentine’s Day than with a massacre? APB: Reloaded kicks off its Valentine’s events today by sending its players two special guns that can earn you in-game items by killing your fellow players with them. Additionally, two new roles will be added for the duration of the event that will unlock a “something” for players to use in-game.

The event starts today and will continue through February 20th. You can get the full event rundown on the APB: Reloaded forums.

Source: APB: Reloaded’s Valentine Week Massacre Event

Last Updated: Mar 14, 2016