APB: Reloaded Update Aims to Settle the Score

by on Apr 05, 2013

<p>GamersFirst opens up about some of the new content in <em>APB: Reload’s “Settle the Score”</em> update.</p>

GamersFirst has been relatively mum about the upcoming 1.11 Settle the Score update for APB: Reloaded, but a new blog reveals a few details about what’s included in the shooter’s next update. The smaller portion of the blog includes details for two new weapons: the Nekrova Squad Support Weapon, a new light machinegun and the Flare Gun, a secondary weapon with bouncing bullets that also explode for light damage.

The bigger content item discussed is the new scoring system, which will introduce a new scoring mechanic that will help match up players based on their skill by providing more detailed scoring of Threat. When players join a match, they'll be given threat scores based on their actions in the match. If they perform well, the threat goes up, perform badly and the threat goes down. The idea is to more effectively match skilled players together for better balanced matches.

This isn’t all that will be in the update, so stay tuned for more details in a future blog.

Source: APB: Reloaded Settling the Score Version 11

Last Updated: Mar 14, 2016