Bane and Slaying Arrows/Bolts in Testing

by on May 18, 2006

<span style="font-weight: bold;">In Testing: Bane and Slaying Arrows and Bolts</span><br> <br> Samera, Turbine Community Relations Specialist, posted the following today:<br>

In Testing: Bane and Slaying Arrows
and Bolts

Samera, Turbine Community Relations Specialist, posted the following


Bane Arrows / Bane Bolts: A bane weapon excels at attacking one type or
subtype of creature. Against that type of creature, the weapon's
effective enhancement bonus is +2 better than its normal enhancement
bonus and it deals an extra 2d6 points of damage against the foe.

Greater Bane Arrows / Greater Bane Bolts: A bane weapon excels at
attacking one type or subtype of creature. Against that type of
creature, the weapon's effective enhancement bonus is +4 better than
its normal enhancement bonus and it deals an extra 3d6 points of damage
against the foe. Please note: there is a known issue where the text
description says that Greater Bane items have a +2 bonus instead of +4.
This is a text error only and will be fixed for the Twilight Forge

Slaying Arrows / Slaying Bolts: These arrows and bolts are keyed to
specific types or subtypes of creatures. If they strike such a
creature, the target must make a Difficulty Check 20 Fortitude save or
die (or, in the case of nonliving targets, be destroyed) instantly.

Problem: Variety and Supply

Currently there are only a few types of Bane, Greater Bane, and Slaying
arrows and bolts in the game (Reptilian Bane, Elemental Bane etc.).
Additionally, these specialty missiles are hard to obtain, as they are
a random reward from a limited number of Collectors.


We are increasing the variety of Bane/Greater Bane/Slaying arrows and
bolts. We are adding Undead Bane, Ooze Bane, Construct Bane, and many
many more.

We are also adding Bane/Greater Bane/Slaying arrows and bolts to the
loot tables for chests. This should significantly increase the amount
of bane missiles available on the market.

The rest of the thread, including further comment by Samera, is found [ target="_blank"

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016