The planet that will be playing a major role in the Force Awakens movie was also featured in the latest teaser trailer from Star Wars Battlefront. The planet Jakku is a desert world similar to Tatooine, where republic and imperial forces appear to have com into conflict more than once. The battle in the game takes place 29 years before the events of the movie, which could explain some of the wreckage seem in the film's trailer.
If you're eagerly anticipating the arrival of the movie (who isn't) the battle of Jakku is a great spot to get some backstory on the events to come in the feature.
The Battle of Jakku doesn't come standard with Battlefront however, it's actually part of the games first DLC pack which will be arriving on December 8th free of charge to all battlefront owners. If you pre ordered the game, you'll get access to the map pack an extra week early on December 1st.
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