The competitive multiplayer of Bungie’s upcoming Destiny title will be slightly different from what Halo fans may be familiar with. Bungie Multiplayer Lead Lars Bakken recently sat down for a chat with Game Informer to talk about some of the things that Bungie has planned for Destiny.
According to Bakken, Destiny’s competitive multiplayer gameplay will be much faster and its characters more lethal, allowing players to take out other surprised players quickly and maybe even making escape a bit more difficult. Why you ask? “Combat resolution is fun,” Bakken stated. “Getting into combat and having it end is fun; it's satisfying for both sides,” he continued.
Bakken also teased that some weapons that end up being "really good" could become “less good over time” due to some game systems, but he did not delve into what or how. So one might speculate that it could be a degenerative weapon system of some sort. As for voice chat, Bungie has a few ideas on how to make it fun and viable without having that one asshat that lives to make your life miserable by screaming or breathing into the mic. If all that sounds like your thing, head over to Game Informer to watch the full video.
Source: Game Informer
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