CCP Games Announces New Game - EVE: Valkyrie

by on Aug 21, 2013

CCP is turning their wildly popular virtual reality tech demo into a full-blown game.

At this year's E3, there were only two games that completely blew me away. One of those was EverQuest Next (which I couldn't talk about at the time) and the other was the CCP tech demo for something they were calling EVE-VR ( href="">which
I did talk about
). The fact that EVE-VR was still nothing more than side project for some passionate developers on the team was astounding to me.

I was one of those fortunate enough to get some hands-on time with the game and it was, in a word, AWESOME! Awesome as in, "Please take my money now and give this to me." For a while now, I've stated that if CCP turned this into a real game, it could be the catalyst that makes virtual reality gaming a modern say staple.

CCP states the game is slated for release in 2014. While we wait for that momentous occasion, check out the trailer below.

Still not enough? Click the button below and head over to the next page for some sweet screenshots to help curb (or is that whet) your appetite!

EVE: Valkyrie Screenshots

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016