Top Cow Comic #9 - Bloodlines Part 3 of 3 is now available for download if you weren't fortunate enough to receive it in the mail. It's a good one, but then of course I'm a just a comic book loving freakish female. You may feel differently.
The Top Cow City of Heroes Issue #9 is now available for download. Read the conclusion of Bloodlines, Part 3 of 3. Back Alley Brawler continues the hunt for Protean. Meanwhile, Sister Psyche and Manticore are ... dead!?!ALSO IN THIS ISSUE COMMUNITY PAGES
* Burden of Responsibility, by Lucien Soulban
* Zot Arrival: Part One, by Robert Bergeron
* Fan Art from Jomaro Kindred, Lia Perrone, Veikira, and Amanda Rachels
* Q-Force
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