Crowfall Meets Funding Goal with 27 Days Remaining in Campaign

by on Feb 27, 2015

Crowfall, the upcoming MMO from developer ArtCraft Entertainment, reached its Kickstarter funding goal of $800,000 earlier today. With 27 days left in the campaign, the message has been sent loud and clear that MMO gamers are eager to experience all that

Crowfall, the upcoming MMO from developer ArtCraft Entertainment, reached its Kickstarter funding goal of $800,000 earlier today. With 27 days left in the campaign, the message has been sent loud and clear that MMO gamers are eager to experience all that Crowfall has to offer, and help the development team fund additional features for the core module.

In anticipation of reaching the backing goal early, some initial stretch goals have been outlined on the official Kickstarter project page. The first of these include:

Stretch Goal 1 (1.0 million) – New Character & FX

The first stretch goal bundles in a number of upgrades to the Crowfall core module, but the major include here is that it will allow ArtCraft to bring in a dedicated FX Artist. This person will be able to focus on improvements to spell and environmental FX, while also freeing up the project’s lead character modeler to continue working more directly within his area of expertise.

Stretch Goal 2 (1.3 million) – Mounts and Caravans

This goal will inject an interesting quality of life improvement with the core module. A mainstay of the game will be the need to transport goods acquired during campaigns back to your personal kingdom. This stretch goal will see the addition of mounts that will not only allow for swifter travel, but will be able to double as a means of expanding inventory so that you’re able to transport more goods.

Both of these stretch goals sound like worthy includes for the core module, and given the impressive rate at which the project has been funded up to this point, I won’t be terribly surprised to see these stretch goals achieved as well.

For more details on the current stretch goals, and to track the ongoing progress of the campaign, be sure to hit the official Kickstarter project page for Crowfall. You can also learn more about what makes the game tick, and some of the interesting design decisions that have resonated so well with MMO fans over on the official Crowfall website.

Last Updated: Mar 14, 2016