Did You Resolve To Change Careers This Year?
According to The Camelot Herald, EA is looking for some new ground floor employees. Could this be your chance to get your foot in the door?
Promotion can be very fast at the rate this company is growing, and we really need solid, hardworking people with a creative streak and a sense of humor. Please go to this link (http://jobs.ea.com/pljb/ElectronicArts/United_States/applicant/index.jsp), choose "Fairfax, VA" and then "Customer Supp Rep I" for the chance to get in on the ground floor, and if you've got the chops, to move to world building, storytelling, or even design. I can't seem to convince the EA Jobs site to let me link directly to the gig in question, so treat this as your first test.
Good luck!
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