Mythic Entertainment announced today that Dark Age of Camelot will now make two of their expansions free to all subscribers. DAoC's 4th expansion, "Darkness Rising" and it's 5th expansion, "Labyrinth of the Minotaur", will be added as a free content update. Along with that good news for current players, those who would like to try DAoC may experience these expansions in the 14-day free trial.
"The Dark Age of Camelot community has thrived for nearly a decade and the game has helped transform the MMO landscape with the introduction of groundbreaking Realm vs. Realm gameplay," said Jeff Hickman, Executive Producer of Mythic Entertainment. "We could not be more excited to offer all this entertainment to all current players and to those interested in returning to the game, as well as to those looking to experience the game for the first time."
In addition, seasoned veterans of Dark Age of Camelot can now return to Midgard, Hibernia and Albion and play free for a limited time. The Come Back To Camelot campaign allows former players with closed accounts for 90 days or more receive 10 days of game-time free when they update and reactivate their account.
You can get more details on this great offer as well as more info on Dark Age of Camelot by following this link!
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