DDO Review on Quandry

by on May 22, 2006

<strong>Yet. Another. DDO. Review.<br></strong>

Yet. Another. DDO. Review.

Man, you'd think Dungeons & Dragons Online: Stormreach just came
out last week. (Some people argue that it plays like it does, but I
digress.) Quandary has a review of DDO:

Unlike other MMORPGs such as World of Warcraft, experience isn't
accumulated for 'kills' it only accumulates when completing quests.
This is a good reason to repeat quests although the experience reward
has diminishing returns if you repeat at the same level.

Combat is fast and furious, more so than in CRPGs such as Baldur's Gate
for instance. This took me some getting used to even with the initial
tutorial. Creatures dance around you and weave back and forth, so it
can be tricky to land a blow. 'Practice' is the operative word here,
although players of more action oriented games will be quite adept I
should think.

Read the 4 (out of 5) star review [ href="http://www.quandaryland.com/jsp/dispArticle.jsp?index=761">here].

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016