Does the New City of Heroes News Article Hint at Future Content?

by on Jun 17, 2011

<p>A new <em>City of Heroes</em> newspaper article calls for cleanliness in Galaxy City, but is the real story the article less noticed?

The City of Heroes (CoH) devs are a crafty bunch, and they’ve been pushing the boundaries of new content for players with each new update. But with the game recently celebrating its 7th anniversary, have the devs tried to sneak some secret planned content by us in a clever way?

A quick visit to the CoH website reveals a new newspaper article that features a column about keeping Galaxy City clean in respect of its current and former heroes, but just off to the right is a slightly more interesting story, one that’s torn and partially missing. The story in question mentions a meteor shower that’s headed for Earth and should be quite a spectacle to behold.

Now this is all just pure speculation, but that article looks like the perfect playground for developer content. And one very observant fan on the CoH forums (Chad Gulzow-Man) noted what happened the last time meteors struck Primal Earth. In his April Producer's Letter, Producer Nate "Second Measure" Birkholz hinted at a "Coming Storm" and the meteor shower mentioned in the story could certainly be interpreted as a storm. And according to the article, it is most certainly coming.

In other news, the bit about Galaxy City hints at possible future details via the CoH Twitter and Facebook pages. Check out the full newspaper image and tell us what you think.

Source: CoH website

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016