En Masse Reactivates Former TERA Accounts

by on Jan 16, 2013

<p><em>TERA</em> goes free-to-play next month but En Masse Entertainment wants former players to come back early for some free game time.</p>

If you’re a former TERA player waiting for your chance to return to the game once it goes free-to-play next month, En Masse Entertainment doesn’t want you to wait. The TERA publisher has reactivated all former accounts with seven free days on the house. Unfortunately, there were a few technical hiccups along the way that have since been resolved. As compensation for any inconvenience this may have caused some players, more free game time has been added to all accounts.

Hey Everyone,

We’ve seen a great response to TERA: Rising, our transition to making TERA free for everyone. In addition to that great news, we also reactivated all past subscribers for seven days, giving you a chance to come back and experience TERA again.

Unfortunately, we’ve had a few technical difficulties during this reactivation period. These made it difficult for some players to get into game. The good news is that those issues have now been addressed and everyone can once again access TERA.

We’d like to make it right, though. So for all our players—past, present, and future—we’re adding seven days of game time to your account to compensate for the time lost. You don’t have to do anything to activate this additional time—we’ll add it right to your account.

Our community is and has always been our top priority. Please enjoy the extra time, and thanks for being part of the life of a game we love.

—Patrick "Treeshark" Sun

Source: TERA Game Time Announcement

Last Updated: Mar 14, 2016