Enter The Elder Scrolls Online’s Emote Creation Contest

by on Sep 04, 2013

<p>Try your luck at creating your own emote for <em>The Elder Scrolls Online</em> for a chance to have it featured in the game. </p>

Zenimax Online Studios is calling on its community to help create a new emote for The Elder Scrolls Online (TESO). If you think you have the perfect emote idea, try your luck in the new contest for a chance to win a beta invitation, a signed TESO poster from the dev team, $75 in Bethesda store credit and more. Additionally, the winner will also have a chance to collaborate with the TESO dev team to assist in the creation of the new emote. Three runners up will receive a TESO lithograph, t-shirt, and $25 of Bethesda store credit.

All you need to do to enter is create a video of yourself performing the emote. Submissions must be under 60s in length and uploaded to YouTube. Once that’s done, simply submit the link to community@elderscrollsonline.com with “Emote Creation Contest” in the subject line to enter. The deadline for submissions is on Friday, September 27th, 2013. So be sure to get them in before then.

You can read all the additional contest details, submission guidelines, and prize information on the TESO website.

Source: TESO Emote Creation Contest

Last Updated: Mar 14, 2016