New Dev Blog at the Gods and Heroes Official Forums. Normally it's done by Deodatus. However it's been hijacked!

Deo was kind enough to let me hijack his blog this week so I could comment on all that has gone on this week. First of we launched our new website which was a long time coming, and somewhat overdue. This was a huge undertaking by the team and it turned out even better than I was expecting. Over the next few weeks and months we will continue to add new content as we move toward beta and launch. Next I want to say how excited I am to have Sony Platform Publishing as our Co-Publisher. For me this goes beyond what they can do from a Marketing and PR perspective but I also get the opportunity to work with old friends from Origin in Austin ( our new Marketing Director was on Ultima Online for many years ).

Are you as excited for this one as I am?

More News and Info on Gods & Heroes: Rome Rising!

To read the latest guides, news, and features you can visit our Gods & Heroes: Rome Rising Game Page.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016
