First Impressions

by on Apr 10, 2006

<strong>DDO First Impressions at</strong><br>

DDO First Impressions at

Cronus over at has provided a review of Dungeons & Dragons Online (DDO). If you're not yet playing the game, or you're undecided, you may want to hear what he has to say. Or if you're an avid DDO player, you'll want to read the first-look to see if you agree. I know I agree with this final tidbit from the article:

The best way to recreate the table top experience is to find a steady group of friends to play with, and play your way through the quests. As you grow together with your friends, your characters will grow in might and power, and will eventually be able to face the Red Dragon.

Read the review at

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016