Gods & Heroes Previews Excerpt from New Book Series

by on Sep 12, 2011

<p>Heatwave Interactive reveals excerpt from the first book in a new series based on <a href="http://www.tentonhammer.com/taxonomy/term/33"><em>Gods &amp; Heroes: Rome Rising</em></a>.

Heatwave Interactive has offered a peek at the first in a series of new books based on the Gods & Heroes: Rome Rising universe. Who the new series is penned by remains a mystery as the announcement only identifies them as “an award-winning author” and promises to reveal a second excerpt on September 16th.

The excerpt comes from the first book titled, "Blood and Laurels" and follows the story of ten year old Atellus, who finds himself embroiled in a surprise battle between Rome's heroes and an army of men and Cyclopes.

The Romans stood firm, shoulder to shoulder with shields up and swords drawn as the first wave of invaders launched arrows and flung javelins. Only when the first few succeeded in reaching them did the legion come to life.

Head over and check out the full excerpt on the Gods & Heroes website.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016