To begin a multi-part series, celebrated author Peter S. Beagle's thoughts on his first quest for Tulga's online world
RPG Vault continues their series of peeks at Horizons: Empire of Istaria. This sneak peek features reknown author Peter S. Beagle.
But I've never gone into strange new country in as total a state of ignorance as I did with Horizons. To begin with, I've never even played Pac-Man, Donkey Kong or Super Mario, let alone Mortal Kombat, Tomb Raider or pretty much any computer game known to the mass gaming audience. Indeed, the only one I'd ever played in my life, prior to Horizons, was a PC-based solitaire baseball game employing teams from different eras. I admit to having been vaguely aware of MMORPGs, but the operative word is vaguely. The Horizons creators couldn't have found a greener horn to gaming if they'd advertised.
Read more of this journal by Peter S. Beagle and then let us know what you think in the forums here at Ten Ton Hammer.
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