KingsIsles held a charity event of sorts over the holidays in their MMORPG Wizard101, allowing players to purchase the in-game mount called the Meowmodon between December 14th, 2009, to January 5th, 2010, for $15. All proceeds from the sale of the mount during this time were donated to the Austin Childrens Shelter and Childs Play charities. KingsIsle recently released a press release stating that the event brought in an astounding $126,000 for the two charities.
Wizard101 players showed their strength as a community in benefiting two worthy organizations Austin Childrens Shelter and Childs Play. From Dec. 14 to Jan. 5, players were able to purchase an in-game riding mount, the Meowmodon, for approximately $15 with all proceeds from the sales going to the two charities. The $126,000 raised by Wizard101 players will be evenly distributed between the charities. The endeavor was the first for the award-winning, magic-themed massively multiplayer online (MMO) game.
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