It's not goovin tunes, but still it's a step in the right direction.

TMSBroadcasting and NCsoft North America are proud to announce the creation of Lineage Radio, the official online radio station devoted exclusively to supporting the Lineage® II gaming community in North America. will feature a 24/7 audio stream, with exclusive Lineage II interviews, news and features you won't find anywhere else.

Lineage Radio will set a new standard for Internet radio especially for gamers, calling on the expertise and success of TMSBroadcasting's Radio Network. The agreement between TMSBroadcasting and NCsoft will bring listeners contests, podcasts, events, and access to the development process, as well as interviews highlighting key members within the Lineage II community, including both fans of the title and NCsoft staff alike.

More information about Lineage Radio will be posted to the official website in the coming weeks at

More Lineage II news.

To read the latest guides, news, and features you can visit our Lineage Game Page.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016
