Vancouver BC - July 27, 2010 Maid Marian Entertainment Inc., the one-man team behind the cult hit, Sherwood Dungeon (, announces a major update to its free-to-play, browser-based MMO game that all bow loving players will appreciate.
As a completely new addition to Sherwood Dungeon, players will gain access to Bow & Arrows at level 21. Players will earn two additional equipment slots for these items, as well as the ability to purchase magic arrows (Fire, Ice, Poison, Night) from the local weapons merchant.
In addition to the new weapons, this update includes numerous changes such as AI improvements, economy and item rebalancing, and a complete dungeon overhaul, replacing old maps with new ones.
Fitting the grassroots nature of Sherwood Dungeon, this update was made possible through the direct support and feedback of Sherwood Dungeons loyal fan base, which beta tested the update and helped work out any bugs.
To join the more than one million players continuing development of this high-quality, 3-D experience, go to the Sherwood Dungeon MMORPG at
Lacking the need for a gaming PC, a credit card or login, Sherwood Dungeon proves that high-end fantasy gaming doesn't need a box, a download, or a monthly subscription fee to deliver high quality gaming for casual MMO players.
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