Mass Effect 3: Extended Cut Coming June 26th

by on Jun 22, 2012

<p><em>Mass Effect 3’s Extended Cut </em>DLC arrives next week. Will it manage to appease the fans?

Few games have managed to stir up such an unholy uprising as the ending of Mass Effect 3. The ending of the game left many fans with a sour taste in their mouth, prompting protests such as the Retake Mass Effect movement, who raised around $80k for charity, a three-colored cupcake message and countless forum threads that even today continue to pile up in protest. This prompted BioWare to begin work on the new Extended Cut DLC to try and “clarify” the ending.

According to a new post on the Mass Effect 3 website, the Extended Cut DLC will launch on June 26th. The Extended Cut will be free to available for free to Mass Effect 3 players on PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

Mass Effect 3 Executive Producer Casey Hudson joined Lead Writer Mac Walters, and Community Manager Jessica Merizan for a chat about the upcoming Extended Cut DLC. Just don't get your hopes up that there will be any drastic changes. Give it a look after the break.

Source: Mass Effect 3: Extended Cut Announcement

Last Updated: Mar 14, 2016