New Game Mode (and More) Announced for Next Hearthstone Patch

by on Jun 11, 2015

The question of what's next has finally been answered!

Yesterday, we talked about the possibility of a new play mode coming to Hearthstone. Today, it has been confirmed for patch 2.7!


Tavern Brawl

While the original speculation that the new game mode would include more than 2 people in a match, turned out to be nothing but false hope, the new Tavern Brawl mode still sounds extremely interesting. It'll be a series of different game modes that will impose special rules. These can include, but are not limited to, premade decks, crafting a new deck with specific restrictions, or buffs to specific types of minions. These are not designed for brand new players, as they will require you to be at least Rank 20 in order to play. However, these modes are not restricted to playing with strangers; you can invite a friend to play a Tavern Brawl with you under whatever conditions are set at the time.

The first Brawl will be coming in mid June (no specific date yet announced, but will be soon), and for the first few, all participants will be awarded a pack if they can win at least one game. Each "game mode" will be followed by a couple days of downtime, as the next mode is prepared.


New Heroes

New heroes had been previously announced, and the first, Magni Bronzebeard the Warrior, will be arriving in this patch. Based on hints in the announcement of the patch, the next two new Heroes will be a Warrior and Mage. These are not new classes, and are purely cosmetic changes. They do come with animated portraits, a unique animated version of their Hero Power, personalized game board artwork, all new emotes, special match start animations, and a custom-themed card back.


Customize Your Decks


A feature the community has been requesting for a while now will finally be arriving: you can select different card backs for different decks! It'll be up to you if you want to use card backs to match your deck's theme, or something completely different to try to trick your opponent (pro tip: just play it safe and don't assume your opponent's card back tells you what their deck is; don't let it influence your in-game decisions.) If you'd prefer, you can also simply set one card back to be the default for all of your decks (as you can currently) if using different backs for different decks isn't your thing.


Those are the major announcements so far for patch 2.7! Tavern Brawl looks like it's going to add a new level of enjoyment to the game, and I'm excited to see what they come up with for it. See you at the inn!


Source/Image credit: Blizzard Entertainment

Last Updated: Mar 15, 2016