Roadmap to Early Spring Expansion Detailed for EVE Online

by on Oct 05, 2015

EVE Vegas is set to blast off later this month and will give players a detailed look at what’s next for EVE Online. In the meantime, the team at CCP has put together a video featuring a roadmap through the early spring expansion.

Late last week a new video and dev blog were released for EVE Online that discuss a huge set of new features planned between now and the early spring expansion that will be focused on Capital Ships and Citadels. Near-future features were also published to the official EVE Updates website, covering a sizable range of additions to the game.

Some of the near-future additions covered include:

A new set of destroyers Serious business art and graphics upgrades Gameplay and balancing revisions based on player feedback Quality of life improvements An effort to pair real world science research with EVE gameplay The first mention of a powerful new upgrade to server clusters Enigmatic PvE additions involving the Drifters

For the full details on the above, be sure to visit the official EVE Updates website. The site is currently focused on more of the near-future additions, but moving forward more will be revealed on the upcoming early spring expansion as well.

In the meantime, the early spring expansion will also be a major topic of discussion during the annual EVE Vegas event, taking place this year at Planet Hollywood from October 23-25. Ten Ton Hammer has attended in previous years (and plans to do so again this year) and would definitely encourage interested parties in giving the event a closer look. Along with details on the upcoming expansion, attendees will be able to demo EVE Valkyrie and Gunjack, and of course participate in a pub crawl with the devs which is always a total blast.

More details on EVE Vegas can be found at the official site for the event.

For those of you who may have missed the roadmap video from Executive Producer Andie “CCP Seagull” Nordgren, you can watch that puppy below!

Last Updated: Mar 14, 2016