Trek Online's GM Destra dropped
a note to let us know what his team has been working on lately. One of
the interesting tasks is developing a way to reinstate gear for players
who have "lost" it. Thankfully I haven't had the pleasure of this
particular issue, but if you have, check in with some of the trials:
Well, the funny thing
is that the ability to restore items is there;
that's not a problem at all. The challenge that we're facing is the
ability to view historical inventory data. I can restore your MK X
Sniper Rifle, no problem, but what I can't prove is that you had one
and lost it. Right now, we're limited to looking at real-time data. If
you say, "Hey, I had a Tribble, and now I don't," I'm limited to
saying, "Yes, you're right, I've confirmed you don't have it anymore!"
Destra discusses griefing and
bug fixes, and "the ultimate facepalm," so read the rest
href=""> of
the developer blog here.
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