PAYDAY: The Heist is bringing in the holidays with a little theft of its own. Through the holidays, players can earn a new Santa mask by finding a wrapped present within various levels of the game. Finding the present also gives players a chance to win a gift from Steam.
Additionally, several improvements have been made to the game that includes improvements to joining games, combat, new masks and better. Check out the official press release after the break for more details.
How SOE's PAYDAY The Heist Stole Christmas
Sony Online Entertainment's (SOE) PAYDAY The Heist is back and ready to take fans on a new crime spree - all while spreading some holiday cheer!
In various levels of the multiplayer mode, players must find a wrapped present in order to gain the latest achievement. Once the present is discovered, they will be given the ultimate Santa mask - which will equip them with a new identity specifically for the holiday season, as well as a chance to win a gift from Steam!
Additionally, SOE and the OVERKILL Software team have been hard at work to add patches to the game, giving you the gift of:
- Player Drop-in: ?Join ongoing games and continue stealing those precious gems and dollars without being locked out
- Improved Combat: Strategize, as fighting and acting have been heavily improved for enemies! The team and enemies now pick better cover and firing positions, and use more intelligent firing lanes for suppression and sniping
- New Masks: Choose one of the four all-new masks that have been added in celebration of the recently released military shooters
- Additional Updates: Improved AI, smoother combat, grouping and aim, and more
Go grab your masks, your guns and your holiday spirit and go rob some banks (virtually of course)!
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