Seven years ago Vanguard: Saga of Heroes launched amidst a troubled and controversial development. Despite the early troubles that Vanguard suffered, the MMORPG still managed to endure for seven years before SOE finally announced that it would be sunsetting the title on July 31st, 2014.
Today marks the 7th anniversary of Vanguards official launch and SOE is celebrating with a number of events and by giving players a rainbow whale companion. From now through July 31st, Vanguard players can can also purchase items in the Station Marketplace for 50% off and enjoy a Double XP and Faction event until the MMORPG shuts down.
Lastly, SOE is holding an anniversary contest, asking players to share their favorite memories of Vanguard for a chance to win one of five Vanguard prize packs. One grand prize winner will receive a signed copy of the Vanguard: Saga of Heroes Collectors Edition. You have until February 12th, 2014 to make your submissions, so make it a good one.
Source: Vanguard 7th Anniversary
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