Vanguard is turning 2 years old soon and there will surely be celebrations going on in honor of the anniversary. The Community News will keep you posted on what will be going on for the upcoming mile marker and what updates we can expect. In this edition of the News, crafters get a little Crafting 101.

Class for those who are new, returning or just starting out in crafting and need some help or info. There will be a staff of 6 crafters (1 for each specialty) plus others to help with other questions. We will be going over various things in crafting from clothing, jewelry & tools, quests, Work Orders (WOs), boats, housing, and more. It will be moderated discussion between moderator and the craft staff first with Q & A at end of each section.

Read more Vanguard community news and be in the know by visiting this link!

To read the latest guides, news, and features you can visit our Vanguard: Saga of Heroes Game Page.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016
