Vanguard Developer Seeking Feedback on New Character Models

by on Aug 26, 2008

<b>Sound Off!</b> <br>

Sound Off!

The community has been excited to see the new Vanguard: Saga of Heroes character models, but that doesn't mean there aren't some issues with them either. The developer known as vg-thor on the forums has posted a thread letting everyone know what changes they are planning on, as well as requesting your feedback. If you have something you'd like to see fixed, get over there and say so!

For simplicity, please post your constructive critisism here.

Here is a list of things that we are adjusting right now:

1. Character shading (the dark side of skin) - Skin will be looking better in general, 5 a clock shadows will be removed.

2. Face adjusments (Females) - Focus on making them look more feminine, Males have been tweaked cheeks slightly adjusted for silluet.

3. Nose Width - Reduced on problematic races in the model. Customization limits are being changed to allow for more control.

4. Armor - Female armor has been adjusted. Most heavy armor has been reverted to the previous style, most of the medium has been reverted to previous style and a handful of light armor has been reverted to previous style (we kept skin showing for the ones we felt worked the best).

5. Furries - Adjusted the neck and lips of the Vulmane and Raki.

6. General Bug Fixing - Things hiding other things incorrectly, clipping issues etc etc.

General feedback rules:

Please keep feedback to the point and specify what it is about it that you do not like.

Please only link images that are from the game showing your issue.

Please only post if you have feedback to give. Agreement, "/signed" etc posts will be deleted.


Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016