WoW Weekly News Roundup

by on Apr 09, 2011

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After the controversial announcement about the new Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms feature for Patch 4.1, Blizzard blue Bashiok has issued an addendum to yesterday’s announcement which isn’t going to make us all happy, but at least now we know where we stand, eh?

The official news regarding the new Call to Arms feature hit only days after Ten Ton Hammer's World of Warcraft community manager, Xerin, ran an in-depth look at the rising trend of "tanks for hire" in his article, Tanks for Sale! The Long Queue Times for Damage Dealers in World of Warcraft. The article was also featured in this week's MMO Report - added below for your viewing enjoyment:

The Top Official News Stories This Week

Ask the Devs #4 - Armor and Weapons - If you missed it earlier in the week, go check out the latest answers - on weapons and armor - from Blizzard’s global Q&A. It’s fascinating reading!

Golden State Pops Orchestra's VideoGame Soundtracks Concert Series - Who loves the WoW soundtrack? All of you? Good! Well the Golden State Pops Orchestra (GSPO) will be performing music from video game scores, including Cataclysm, this weekend in San Pedro, CA. If you attend, don’t forget to take pictures and let us know how it went!

Dev Watercooler - Stats on Gear - Lead Systems Designer Greg "Ghostctrawler" Street kicks off a new blog series, this week focusing on a topic near and dear to just about everyone in World of Warcraft, stats on gear.

Awesome Stuff Created by the WoW Community

Comics roundup:
The Daily Blink are always worth checking out for their amusing and timely strips. Today’s is particularly apt given the announcement about the new Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms feature. Check out Tragedy of the Commons here!

WoW, Eh? is back with a new look and Canadian artist Kelly ‘Cadistra’ Aarons takes an interesting peek at what Alexstrasza gets up to when not acting as the sexiest questgiver in Azeroth.
Fan art:
New Warcraft Fan Art - This week, the Blizzard Fan Art Section on the official site has been updated with nine new pieces of fan artwork set within the Warcraft universe. There are some truly awesome images in this batch, so be sure to check 'em out!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016