xPeke Clarifies PowerOfEvil's Role on Origen, Is Not Retiring

by on Nov 13, 2015

It's always best to get information straight from the source.

It had been previously reported that Origen's founder and mid laner, Enrique “xPeke” Cedeño Martínez, was looking to retire as a player on the League of Legends roster to run the organization full-time. In an official statement released today, we learned that isn't quite the case.

Martínez acknowledged that running the organization does take up a lot of his time, and due to not being able to practice enough, he initially began by simply searching for a replacement to play at the upcoming IEM San Jose tournament. However, that idea morphed over time, and Origen will instead be looking to follow the example of world champions SK Telecom T1 by utilizing a true 6-man roster.

xPeke stated that he still loves the game, and very much still wants to play. He envisions the dynamic with new arrival Tristan "PowerOfEvil" Schrage being similar to that of Faker and Easyhoon on SKT, with both players having a large role within the team both in and out of game. SKT has, so far, been the only team to successfully utilize their substitute player on a consistent basis, though Origen could be the second, thanks to the talent level that PowerOfEvil possesses.

Both players should see significant playing time in the upcoming EU LCS 2016 Spring Split, but for now, PowerOfEvil will be playing at IEM San Jose.

Last Updated: Mar 21, 2016