Alliance Leveling Guide 60-70

"The Fastest Path to 70!"

This is a continuation of our Alliance level 60-70 guide. From here we continue to take you step by step in the fastest way possible to level seventy. If this is your first character or your fourth this guide will help you speed through the levels by telling you the most efficient way to go about gaining XP and doing quests.

The last place this guide left you should have been at Shattrath City at level 63 and some. This guide takes you to 63.5 and leaves you back off at Shattrath City!


Terokarr Forest

When you first enter Shattrath City you should see someone who will give you the quest “A’dal”. Save it and find the flight point (nearby, just ask a guard) and do some exploring/restocking. Shattrath is massive and will be your home for awhile and probably your bind point for the rest of the game.

A quick tour of Shattrath City: In the center is “A’dal” along with portals back to Azeroth. The rest of Shattrath City is full of shops and NPCs. The Aldors and Scryers hold two areas accessible by elevators. The lower city contains more shops and NPCs along with tunnels in and out of the city.

To complete the quest “A’dal” simply walk to the center of the city and speak with “A’dal”. He won’t say anything but instead Khadger will motion to you and give you the quest “City of Light”. An elemental will spawn and you will need to follow it around the city. Just stay close to it and pick up “Rather Be Fishin’” and “The Eyes of Skettis” on your way around. When you return go ahead and complete the quest for some easy EXP and a little bit of background on Shattrath.

Now is a good time to pick a side for either the Scryers or Aldors. See our guide on choosing. When you’ve decided, go ahead and accept their various quests which mostly involve collecting items. They’ll drop from enemies we’ll soon fight so you can get reputation while leveling up. When you’re ready (and you’ve bound yourself to one of the many Inns in Shattrath) head on out.

Head northeast out of town until you get to the nearby lake called Silmyr Lake. There are eels here that you need to slay for “Rather Be Fishin’”. Once completed go east and south until you arrive at the Cenarion Thicket (45,25ish). Pick up “What’s Wrong at Cenarion Thicket”, “Clues in the Thicketn”, and “Strange Energy”. An elite quest is available here but you’ll need some help to do it.

Go a little bit south to kill the two types of Teromoths found here. That should complete “Strange Energy”. Afterwards head to the Inn and go inside to find a broken corpse. Nearby will be a glowing blue orb which you’ll need to click to complete “Clues in the Thicket”. Return back and turn the two quests in to pick up “By Any Means Necessary”. Empoor travels the road between Shattrath and Tuurem and isn’t hard to find. Bring him down to about 1/5th of his HP and the quest will complete. It will also open up “Lathrai the Ethereal”.

Now head to Veil Reskk which is at 47,14 and cleanse the western altar for “Restore the Light”. Cleanse the northern altar at 50,15 and get the Eye of Veil Reskk which is up a ramp at 50,19. The eastern altar is at 50,20 which will need to be cleansed as well. At 59,25 is a bridge where you’ll find the Eye of Veil Shienor on the other side.

Return to Shattrath (you can hearth if you want) and turn in “Restoring the Light”, “The Eyes of Skettis”, “Wind Trader Lathrai”, and “Rather Be Fishin”. Go ahead and pick up “Seek Out Kirrik” and “A Personal Favor”. Now is a good breaking point as you get ready for another series of quests.


Alliance Outland Leveling Guide Navigation

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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016

About The Author

Get in the bush with David "Xerin" Piner as he leverages his spectacular insanity to ask the serious questions such as is Master Yi and Illidan the same person? What's for dinner? What are ways to elevate your gaming experience? David's column, Respawn, is updated near daily with some of the coolest things you'll read online, while David tackles ways to improve the game experience across the board with various hype guides to cool games.
