Ten Ton Hammer's

EverQuest II: "Desert of Flames" Expansion Coverage

Maj'Dul, a city built atop a high desert plateau by Dervish Cuthroats in the years since the Shattering, is a city beset with danger and intrigue. The mightiest factions wage war against each other for control of the city, dragons swoop down daily from their high mountain perches, and evil, twisted creatures lurk just outside the city gates. All this set in a gorgeous desert dreamscape with a full spectrum of vivid color and "Arabian Nights" themes.

The expansion adventure began in Sept, 2005, and is primarily geared to adventurers level 45-60 (though and level 20+ player can experience the fun of the new PvP arenas). Suggested retail price is $29.99 and is available in stores or as a direct digital download.

Looking for a place to start? Check out our Desert of Flames features page!




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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016
