Earlier this week we received an update about the next game in the NASA gaming series. The first game, Moonbase Alpha, was released in July of last year and the crew developing the game set out to raise funds for the next installment of the series, Astronaut: Moon, Mars and Beyond.
The game was announced in early 2009 and is finally making some progress towards development rather than fading into the vaporware abyss. The target goal for the Kickstarter fundraising campaign initially targeted a goal of $25,000, but according to the games FAQ, fans have already donated more than $30,000 to the games development and there are still several weeks to go.
The game is an adventure MMOG that will be developed for the PC and iOS devices utilizing the Unreal 3 engine and focus is on mankinds future missions to the outer reaches of the solar system. A playable beta is expected to begin in December 2012.
For more details, check out the video after the break and the official FAQ. If you would like to donate to the game's development, head over to the Kickstarter website to make a pledge and get a little something extra for your generosity. Give enough and you could become part of the game.
In this update: Kickstarter Campaign, FAQ/Mini-FAQ
We'll be sending out these newsflashes weekly to bring you the latest updates on Astronaut: Moon, Mars and Beyond, Astronaut Academy and other projects.
Our Kickstarter campaign has exceeded our initial goal of $25,000! As of this writing our backers have pledged $30,347 and we have over 40 days left to go! Keep up with fundraising news at http://kck.st/qinz75
We're hearing a number of questions from people interested in AMMB and are developing a FAQ to address them. Check out the latest version on our forums at http://astronautmmo.com/smf/index.php?topic=1023.0
Here is a Mini-FAQ for your convenience:
- Astronaut: Moon, Mars and Beyond is the upcoming NASA MMO (massively multiplayer online) game.
- Astronaut Academy is the first chapter of the AMMB series.
- The Astronaut Academy Handbook will be released on iOS soon.
- The game is a follow-up to Moonbase Alpha (released in 2010).
- NASA is not spending money directly on the development of the game.
- The game is being developed through Kickstarter and private fundraising.
- Project Whitecard and Wisdom Tools are the developers per a "Space Act Agreement" with NASA.
- The target audience will be the 5-24 age and the gaming and science enthusiast markets.
- The game will be available for iOS and Windows PC, other platforms are being considered.
- Unreal Engine 3 is being used to develop the game.
- A beta is planned for December 2012.
For the latest information about Astronaut: Moon, Mars and Beyond, visit the following links:
To read the latest guides, news, and features you can visit our Starlite Game Page.