Gamers as heroes
Say what you want about gamers, but we've demonstrated that we're a generous lot over the years. Sure, we can behave like abject trolls and haters under the cloak of anonymity, but when you get right down to it, we care. Take charities like Child's Play, for instance. Or the many varied ways in which MMOs have funded disaster relief from hurricanes to Haiti.
That's why I wasn't surprised when our news guy, Stacy "Martuk" Jones, passed along a video to me today highlighting a touching charity tribute. Five-year-old Sarah Parries of Vancouver, Canada was one of MechWarrior Online's youngest fans when she lost her battle with cancer. Players petitioned for a way to honor Sarah, and the result is Sarah's Jenner, a mech they can purchase for $10, with all proceeds donated to the Canadian Cancer Society.
You can learn more about purchasing Sarah's Jenner at the official charity page, and you'll find additional answers in the project's FAQs. Our condolences to Sarah's family, and thanks to Piranha Games for another inspiring program allowing gamers to continue bringing good to the world.
If you've got a video you'd love to see featured as our Video of the Day, drop me a link at shayalyn[AT] You can also tweet me @ShayalynTTH on Twitter.
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