
Rangers of Anadûnê

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History and Goals

In the year II 32, men were gifted the island of Númenór in recognition
of their faithfulness to the Valar during the First Age. Despite their
faith, they were forbidden to sail westwards to Aman, land of the
Valar. Many years passed, and the Númenóreans became stong and
powerful, and began to turn against the ban of the Valar. In the end,
Sauron the Deceiver, who was in the ear of the King, convinced King
Ar-Pharazôn to sail openly to Aman against the Valar.

Thus in II 3319, the island of Númenór was destroyed by the Valar,
taken away from the once faithful as punishment for Ar-Pharazôn's
actions. Though the island was destroyed, some Númenóreans who had
remained faithful escaped, having prepared for the impending disaster
by taking ships. Amongst them was Elendil and his sons Isildur and
Anárion, who then founded the kingdoms of Arnor and Gondor in

Gil-galad of the Elves and Elendil formed an alliance to defeat Sauron
in the year II 3430. Eleven years later, the alliance marched upon
Mordor and besieged Barad-dûr. Amongst the army were Elendil, Isildur
and Anárion. Sauron was defeated, but Elendil and Anárion were slain.
In III 2, Isildur left the command of Gondor to Meneldil, Anárion’s
son, and travelled north to Arnor with his three eldest sons where he
and his entire company were slain by orcs at the Disaster of Gladden

Arnor became three kingdoms in the first millennium of the Third Age,
as it couldn’t be decided which of three heirs would claim it. Then the
line of kings was broken as Eärnur, the last king of Anárion’s line and
then king of Gondor was slain by the Witch King. The three kingdoms
that were once Arnor fell, leaving those who lived there to become
wandering people. They became known as the Dúnedain, and their
chieftain is Aragorn, the heir of Isildur. The Dúnedain became mighty
warriors of skill known as Rangers, yet kept to their own kind, and
their numbers dwindled. At the time of the War of the Ring, the Rangers
cannot muster large numbers and are scattered. Nevertheless, they fight

Raydon, captain of our company, formed it in the year III 3016 after
proving himself worthy of leadership. He had always loved the history
of his people, and wished the old ways would return. Thus he had worked
hard in order to be in a position to make a difference in the war so
the chance for renewed glory for men could still exist. Some of his
friends were assigned to the company, who like Raydon, felt a
particularly strong connection to their roots. Others joined the
company in the years following, having heard stories of the heroism of
the company. A small number of Elves decided to travel with us also,
wishing to take a more active part in the war, putting their desire to
cross the sea into the west aside for a time. These Elves dubbed us the
Rangers of Anadûnê, using the Adûnaic tongue instead of the common
tongue, in light of our faithful honouring of our Númenórean origins.

Our company is composed of Rangers who, like Elendil before us, keep
the faith yet have lost faith in mankind. We no longer see the once
honourable, proud and faithful people descended from the Númenóreans,
we see corruption, power-struggles and a people on the wane. We believe
that with the right attitude of the right people, mankind can regain
its glory once more. Our company, like other companies of Rangers, are
dedicated to restoring the peace in Middle-earth, so mankind has the
opportunity to rise to its glorious heights of old.

Our blood alone
doesn’t make us the Rangers of Anadûnê, our faith does,
a faith that there is hope yet for a new age of glory for mankind.


We, the Rangers of Anadûnê, have the following goals for LOTRO:
  • To provide our members with a rich
    roleplaying experience in a family environment.
  • To roleplay Dúnedain and Elves to the
    best of our abilities.
  • To engage in roleplay with other
    kinships and solo players.
  • To engage in trade with same.
  • To
    form friendships and/or alliances with same in order to achieve mutual
    goals (e.g. completion of quests where having Dwarves and/or Hobbits
    along would be an advantage).
  • To be outstanding members of the LOTRO
    community, providing support in matters that will benefit it (e.g.
    player run events).
  • To
    enjoy the game experience without rushing through content. We will play
    every part that can be played and explore every region that can be

For more information on our members, go href=""

Recruiting Information

We are recruiting Men and Elves only, all classes accepted.

If you have any questions about us, most answers can be found in our href=""
target="_blank">kinship FAQ.

If you wish to join us, please follow these href="" target="_blank">Recruiting

You must also be familiar with our href="" target="_blank">Rules and


RoA Forums
RoA on the TenTonHammer forums


  • For
    the moment, we are using our forums instead of a website to display
    information, pending a possible new website. Any links to the website
    above are due to content not being copied over yet, so the content may
    be slightly out of date.
  • We were href="" target="_blank">LotroSource
    Kinship of the Month for March 2006.
  • We were formed on 9th March 2004.
  • We
    will be playing on a North American server in order to RP and meet with
    the players and kinships we have forged bonds with on the forums. This
    will most likely require members to purchase a North American copy of
    the game, no matter what region you are from.
  • We are an RP centric kinship. If you do
    not wish to RP, please do not apply.
  • We are currently not accepting
    alliances, but gestures of friendship are welcome, read href="http://roa.meomoa/alliances.html" target="_blank">here for
    more information.

To read the latest guides, news, and features you can visit our Lord of the Rings Online Game Page.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016
