Ten Ton Hammer Quest Guide

URT Hero Mission: Feeding Frenzy

by Shayalyn

Quest Details

Minimum Level: 12

Quest Givers:

  • Lieutenant Elwyn
    Kaon's Rush
  • Pat Thenes
    Three Rivers Village
  • Calern Retera
    Renton Keep
  • Brenthin Zerendyl
    Kaon's Rush
  • Enorian Farsinor
    Kaon's Rush

Completed By:

  • Enorian Farsinor
    Kaon's Rush


  • Plate Pauldrons of the United Races
  • Cloth Amice of the United Races
  • Scale Pauldrons of the United Races
  • Chain Pauldrons of the United Races


URT Quest Series

Renton Keep

Kaon's Rush


Shoreline Ruins

About the Quest

Several NPCs grant this quest depending on your location in Telon. All of them will lead you to Enorian Farsinor in Kaon's Rush. You'll find her at the outpost of Arlinora's Retreat. Complete each of the quest steps to receive your reward. Although all of the URT quests (with the possible exception of the weapon quest) can be soloed by the right class, this one is probably the easiest.

Part One: Fight Them With Food

Enorian has devised a way to deal with the Redcap brownies. Enorian will tell you, "Many wars are fought over land because one side or the other doesn't have the resources to properly feed its people. We believe that this is the primary reason the recaps are waging war upon the people of Leth Nurae. The United Races of Thestra works to feed those unable to feed themselves, so that we may bring an end to conflict and strife. To that end, take this barrel of meat and empty it out in the center of the redcap stronghold southeast of Veskal's Exchange."

Sounds like a generous and benevolent plan, doesn't it? You'll soon find that while the United Races of Thestra mean well the outcome of their efforts often leads to...something unexpected. Be that as it may, take the food that Enorian gives you and proceed to the Redcap camp in nearby Veksal's Exchange.

It wouldn't be a URT mission without some unintended deaths, so unless you're stealthy you're going to have to get a few Redcaps out of your way in order to place the meat in their camp. They are level 15-16 2-dot mobs and fairly easy to single pull and solo. From a distance, they'll look like spiders, but don't be fooled...they're actually spider-riding brownies. Occasionally they drop a lower level piece of armor that will sell for a few silver on the exchange broker. Heck, you may even be able to use it until you get your armor set, so loot up!

Deposit the food where the waypoint instructs you and head on back to Alrinora's Retreat. You'll receive 1 silver 50 copper for your efforts.

Part Two: Well, That Didn't Work

You guessed it--something's gone wrong. Enorian Farsinor says, "It seems that we made a mistake when we started sending food to aid the redcaps. The meat we sent them was in less than pristine condition, and now some of the redcaps are getting sick and dying. We need to make sure no one knows we sent rotten meat to aid the redcaps. Go and slay all of the redcaps at the redcap stronghold to keep them from telling anyone who sent them the meat that's killing them."

Redcap brownie campSo, off you go in pursuit of senseless slaughter. (Don't feel too bad--if you weren't killing them they'd be trying to kill you.) You'll need to kill 30 of the redcaps for this mission. But never fear, there are a good number of them in the camp and they tend to respawn quickly. You'll be encountering mostly Redcap handlers, tormentors, marauders and beastmasters. They tend to be social if you're within a certain range, so weaker classes should use caution soloing.

There are also a few named mobs who spawn (and very rapidly when I was there) toward the back center of the camp. They include: Jiliwin the Branding, Halinix the Coaxing, and Arcanist Xurniluss. These bad boys are level 16 2-dots and quite easy to kill. Although they aren't likely worth camping for their loot, they seem to have large loot tables, and stand a fair chance of dropping a decent level 18-ish item. You might find something you could use for a while, or perhaps sell for a few silver.

After your Redcap slaughter, head back to Enorian. You'll be rewarded with 1 silver 50 copper.

Part Three: Replenishing Supplies

Seems like the United Races have made another error. Enorian Farsinor says, "With all of the food URT has been sending to the redcaps, our own food supplies are dwindling. We don't even have enough food to feed the people of URT itself. Go to the various small fairy encampments east of the river in Kaon's Rush and bring me some of the mushroom that grow at them. We can eat them until a better source of food can be found."

This part requires a bit of patience. You'll need to get into the Kaon fairy camps and snitch their mushrooms. Kill any level 15-16 Kaons that get in your way, and harvest these rather slow-spawning mushrooms.

When you return with the mushrooms, Enorian will reward you with, you guessed it, 1 silver 50 copper.

Part Four: We Must Rebuild

Yet more mushrooms to harvest. Enorian Farsinor says, "We're starting to run out of mushrooms again, but I think we have a more permanent solution. We need some of the spores from the mushrooms at the large fairy circles to the southeast of Arlinora's Retreat before we can begin this food experiment. The mushrooms there seem to grow much faster than the ones we harvested from the smaller fairy circles."

Well, at least these mushrooms grow faster. You'll be able to spot the locations where the mushrooms grow--they're in smaller fairy rings clustered around a large center ring. Once again, unless you're a good sneak, it's you against the Kaon. Gather 25 fairy mushroom spores and head back to Enorian for the usual reward.

Part Five: Abolishing Hunger

Enorian Farsinor says, "I've mixed together the spores you brought us and the URT approved mushroom size enhancement chemical for our first field test. We think that for the first test, they should be planted someplace that the mushrooms already grow well. Take this pouch of URT approved enhanced mushroom spores and sprinkle them on the ground near the large stone in the middle of the fairy circles to the southeast of Arlinora's Retreat. Then harvest whatever sort of mushroom grows and bring it back here."

Don't expect a URT mission to go smoothly. As you make your way to the large center spire of the fairy rings, once again you'll kill any Kaons that attack you. Place the mushroom spores on the ground in the location your waypoint marks. Doing so will spawn a URT Enhanced Mushroom. He's big, and he's pissed. He's a level 16 2-dot mob, so don't be afraid. (And don't get too excited; he doesn't drop any fun loot.) Dispatch this fun guy (get it? fungi?) and head back to Enorian for your 1 silver 50 copper.

Wrapping It Up

Now it's time to bring your Feeding Frenzy quest to a close. At least now Enorian knows that the URT approved enhanced mushroom spores only make for one angry mutant mushroom. He'll reward you with your choice of the shoulder pieces shown below:

Plate Pauldrons of the United Races

Heavy Armor
86 Armor Class
+4 Strength
+4 Constitution
+43 Hit Points

Level: 18
Required Classes: Paladin, Cleric, Dread Knight, Warrior
Merchant Value: 3 silver 20 copper

Chain Pauldrons of the United Races

Medium Armor
43 Armor Class
+8 Wisdom
+43 Hit Points

Level: 18
Required Classes: Bard, Paladin, Cleric, Monk, Ranger, Dread Knight, Rogue, Shaman, Disciple, Warrior
Merchant Value: 3 silver 20 copper

Cloth Amice of the United Races

Light Armor
22 Armor Class
+ 8 Intelligence
+43 Energy

Level: 18
Required Classes: Bard, Cleric, Druid, Psionicist, Monk, Ranger, Rogue, Shaman, Sorcerer, Disciple, Blood Mage, Necromancer
Merchant Value: 3 silver 20 copper

Scale Pauldrons of the United Races

Medium Armor
43 Armor Class
+4 Strength
+4 Dexterity
+43 Hit Points

Level: 18
Required Classes:Bard, Paladin, Cleric, Monk, Ranger, Dread Knight, Rogue, Shaman, Disciple, Warrior
Merchant Value: 3 silver 20 copper






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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016

About The Author

Karen is H.D.i.C. (Head Druid in Charge) at EQHammer. She likes chocolate chip pancakes, warm hugs, gaming so late that it's early, and rooting things and covering them with bees. Don't read her Ten Ton Hammer column every Tuesday. Or the EQHammer one every Thursday, either.
