For those who have mastered the art of the Blitzcrank, he is an insanely fun champion to play. Not only that, he is also one of the more effective support champions, with his rocket grab to single out targets and bring them into your teams waiting jaws, a speed boost to chase down enemies, a knockup to disable them, and an AoE silence that also does a fair bit of damage. However, all of this punch requires some skill to operate effectively and many a first time Blitz player will abandon the champion after a few games of missed grabs. If you're on the edge of adding him to your pool of rarely used champs, give these tips a look and take another kick at the yellow tin can.

You're too Predictable

It's the most common reason why players miss grabs on any champion, but it's also one of the easiest to fix. Activating your speed boost and/ or your knock up, running directly at the enemy target, doing these things are tip offs that you are getting ready to go for a grab. Switch it up by not going for a pull right after the cooldown is over and try to be more random in your approach. Zig zagging, and hiding in buses are great ways to get a jump on an enemy and give them as little time as possible to dodge the attack.

You Will Get Flamed

When your playing as a champion with skill shots it's not only difficult to land every attack, the one's you miss are very obviously for your entire team to see. Accept the fact early on in your blitz career that you will miss grabs, and when you do people will call you out on it. Don't give into the pressure and start throwing out grabs left and right in a haste to land one, stick with your plan and wait patiently for the perfect opportunity.

You Can Pull Through Terrain

What's more surprising than a fist flying at you through a wall or other piece of terrain? Getting pulled by said fist right back through to a waiting robot. Another perk of Blitz's grab is that he can fire it through any type of terrain and grab enemies on the other side so long as they are within it's range. Once the enemies pulled through the wall they only have two options, flash back over to safety (if they have one), or get pummeled.

Close the Gap

If the target is just out of rocket range use Blitz's speed boost to quickly close the distance before throwing out the grab. Make sure that the enemy doesn't have a tower near by however, as they will likely start running when they see you turn on the turbo jets.

Pulling the Right Targets

What's worse than missing a grab altogether?  Pulling an Amumu or Malphite with their ults ready to go right into your team. Always aim for the "squishy" champions like the AD carries and not the tanks, or enemies that excel at AoE attacks like Amumu. Doing so will keep your team safe (and happy) and most likely end in an instant death for the grabbed enemy squishy.

Don't forget the Knockup and Silence

The beauty of blitz crank is his ability to grab an enemy, pull them right into your team, and completely immobilize them from any type of escape they may have. Make sure you are using him to his full potential by knocking up the enemy as soon as they arrive from the grab. To make sure they are definitely not going anywhere, consider throwing in your ult as well to silence them, locking out any attempts at a flash or escape ability.

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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016

About The Author

A man of many hats, Greg divides his precious gaming time between competitive games like League of Legends and Dota 2 and Action/ Adventure Games like GTA, and Destiny. At Ten Ton Hammer he specializes in making guides for new and veteran players alike.
