Massively multiplayer online barbarian playing game.
RPGVault has posted an Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures interview with Game Director, Gaute Godager of Funcom. After listening intently to the lamentations of the women they also listened to Gaute and wrote something suspiciously like this:
"Age of Conan - Hyborian Adventures is Funcom's contribution to a revival of the property that includes both a movie and an animated film along with new novels, a comic series, collectible toys and more. Described as an online action RPG, its aim is to bring together a story-driven single-player experience and a massively multiplayer end game, both capturing the classic swords and sorcery feeling as well as the lush, dark, brutally violent and not always politically correct nature of the franchise. The titular hero's grip on the Aquilonian throne has become tenuous, with ancient evils threatening to throw the realm into chaos. The time is ripe for those with the strength and will to carve out their own destinies. As for our fate, we were favored by fortune in finding Game Director Gaute Godager willing to answer our questions."
You can read the entire Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures at RPGVault.
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