Aion Weekly Newsletter - Finding the Time

by on Jan 17, 2010

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Most games are not a part-time passion.  For the most
hardcore of players, they can spend more time gaming than they do with any
other activity in their life but what about those of us who struggle to find
the hours in a day to sit down and enjoy Aion?

The past couple of weeks have been madness for me.  In
addition to my time with Ten Ton Hammer, I work a day job, go to school,
keep up my home, family, and pets. All of these things demand my attention
and it leaves very little time for me to do the one thing that rescues me
from all the clamor of everyday life. I went from being able to dedicate 4
hours a day to gaming to scraping together enough time to log in for 4 hours
a week.

When I finally do find time to log in, I realize that there
is very little for the ultra casual player to do.  Character
progression on limited hours is disappointingly slow, so much so that if I
only have an hour to kill I may not log in at all because really, what can I
get done in that amount of time?  I love Aion, and refuse to give up my
gaming so where does that leave me?

I know I'm not the only casual gamer out there looking for a
way to make it all work so while I continue to rearrange my schedule and
trim enough time out of the week to fit in gaming, I'll share a few tips
that have helped me out a little.

 - Time Management.  Easier said than done, right? 
Rather than scrap together an hour a day to log in, try being more
productive during the week so you can free up more time on the weekends. 
If you work on chores after work or get in time with the family during the
evenings, then you can spend your Saturday in game when more people are on
and ready to do dungeon runs.

Get involved!  Stop by the official Aion
forums and chime in on this discussion:

Would a
mentoring system be a welcome addition to Aion? Play with lower
level friends or get your high level pals to come aid in your
progress.  Let your thoughts be heard by

visiting this thread
and maybe the dev team will hear us!

 - Whittle down alts. This has been very hard for me to
do. I like playing several characters but with little time to do so, I cut
way back to two characters that I play on. I found the more alts I had, the
less I accomplished in game which can drag down will to log in to play.

 - Stop trying to compete. Your in game friends are
shooting up in level but you're still hanging in the 20s or 30s with slow
progress.  Yeah, so? Learn to enjoy PUGs when you log in and enjoy your
time in game rather than letting other player's progress make you feel less
than.  Hopefully soon NCsoft will implement a mentoring system so you
can guilt all your higher level comrades to come lend you a hand!

Has life cut a chunk out of your gaming time? Come share
your tips that get you in game despite all those looming responsibilities!


Aion Site Lead


Scrolls, potions, and consumables are all important factors in
PvP gameplay.  Don't jump through a rift without a good supply of running
scrolls, health potions, and aether jelly and don't dive through the air in the
Abyss without flight potions!  They may cost a small fortune to keep
stocked, but in the end being able to survive will cost you far less in time and
soul healing.


Chanter Stigma List
- Looking for some new skills for your Chanter?
Come see what's available!

Armorsmithing Levels 100-199
- Move up in the world with some new
crafted gear.

Gladiator PvP Gameplay Guide
- Get some quick and easy tips that
will step up your PvP game.

Sorcerer Spell List
- Know what you have in your Sorcerer's arsenal
with this comprehensive list.


Behind the Curtains with Aion
- What goes through a dev's mind
during their game's beta? Read to find out!
NCsoft Names New Aion Producer
- Meet the guy who will lead Aion
through some exciting changes. Aion
Continues to Top Sales Chart
- Continued sales keep Aion thriving.
Support a New Community, Win a Copy of Aion
- Get a Chance to win an
Aion Collector's Edition and 60 Day Gametime.

If you have questions, comments or suggestions for our
newsletter please feel free to drop me
an e-mail
any time!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016