There Can Be Only One: An ArchLord Interview with Codemasters' Tim Hodges
Complete with a soundtrack performed by the London Symphony Orchestra and what may be the ultimate overachiever hook - the chance for one player to exert his or her sovereign will over all players in the game - Codemasters' current localization project, ArchLord, is possibly the freshest concept to come to the west from Asia since Final Fantasy XI. We learn more about the game that's already a smash hit in Korea from Codemasters' Tim Hodges, Community Liaison Officer for ArchLord
"Tim Hodges: The ArchLord premise, being able to rule over the in game world with a series of powers, can lead to some very nice extremes. You could well get the really dark guild that strives for world domination and when in power choose to be very aggressive with their powers. On the flip side though you could well get a guild that wants to stay in power for a long time and so chooses to be very good with their powers. Using them to help out other players as they wander the world."
Keep reading to learn more about ArchLord. Are you planning to play this game? Let us know in the forums here at Ten Ton Hammer.
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