Border Kingdom Cryer - Anti-Spam Edition

by on Jul 25, 2008

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(Note: If you don't understand something I have said or abbreviated, get caught up on the terminology here.)

Official AoC Forums

Soldiers vs Funcom

Some of the recent changes made to the game by Funcom have hit the melee soldier archetype more so than some other classes. This thread discusses some of the changes and concerns many of the community have about the current state of things. This of course also has the standard concerns followed by the ha ha you got nerfed. Impossible to have one of these discussions without it. This however is a good thread to voice your concerns or thoughts on the matter.

Outlook on the next updates

Funcom Senior Community Manager, Oliver 'Tarib' Kunz posted this thread to give players some insight on this week's update. This includes the repopulation of resource harvesting zones and a few other changes. This thread is open discussion on the update and will allow you a place to offer up any feedback you might have and discuss it with other forum members.

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title="Title of Your Image">

Spammers and Scammers are at it again.

WARNING! People trying to request/steal Account info.

This is a topic I figured was worth mentioning. It seems our good friends the scammers and spammers are at it again. Remember folks, Funcom will never ask for your account, password, or financial information in an email. Some people still fall for this stuff and get taken for a ride. So don't be that guy.

What does the stat immunity do exactly ?

This may answer a question I have been asked many times for some of you. What exactly does Immunity do? This thread has that answer and a bit more so feel free to chime in and add your thoughts.


Battle of the Bards (Fri Jul 25th 8:30CST/9:30EST) - Shadow Company RP event

This event will be hosted by Shadow Company of Wiccana server on Friday night at 8:30CST/9:30EDT and is a roleplay event. This friendly competition will be held in Connal's Valley "Nu" Instance - "Mountain View Rock" Outcropping overlooking Connal's valley just south of the settlement at coordinates 634,405. For more information see this thread.

(Have an event you would like announced on the Border Kingdom Cryer? Send a PM to Martuk on the Ten Ton Hammer forums or email Martuk at and provide a link to your thread with the event information.)

AoC Ten Ton Hammer Threads of the Week

Tortage - Blessing or Bane?

Is Tortage a blessing for the newbie area of the game or is it the bane of Conan? That is the question in this thread. Do you feel Tortage is great or could Hyboria use a little more flavor in its starting area selection? Tell us your thoughts and vote in this week's poll.

Will AoC keep its players?

This thread keeps hanging around but it makes for some good discussion. How do you feel about the subject? Will AoC keep its players or will it be the next big name to fade into history as it lines up beside the great hopefuls like Horizons and Vanguard. You decide and tell us here.

Lagging at Launch: Or How I Learned to Avoid Hype and Groupthink

Ten Ton Hammer's own JoBildo put together this nice editorial this week on the hype and groupthink aspect that inevitably comes with the launch of any highly anticipated MMORPG. Unfortunately a lot of the time that massive hype can come to a close with massive disappointment. Such is the focus of this editorial. This thread discusses this editorial as the community shares some of their own stories.

Weekly Funny With The Tuk

(The Weekly Funny is not reflective of the views of Ten Ton Hammer. The are however of mine. =p )

Every now and then you run across some people who a person who just lacks good common sense. One such individual might be, oh say some idiot who decides to start a bon fire with a huge pile of wood that looks like the torch of Gondor with 5 gallons of gasoline. I don't want to ruin it for you so just take a look.

style="margin: 10px; border-collapse: collapse; float: left; width: 136px; height: 100px;">

title="Title of Your Image"> src="" alt="Tanks" height="418"
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This week Martuk and the newcomer exchange words.


Ten Ton Comics

Lost In Hyboria - "Public Service Announcement"

This week "Lost in Hyboria" shows us why most people avoid general chat channels as Martuk and this newcomer exchange a few words.


This Week's AoC Ten Ton Hammer Hot Content

This week AoC officially launched and Ten Ton Hammer has rolled out a ton of new content, videos, and guides. In case you missed it here is all the great content from this past week alone.


To Battle a God - Level 80 Mage Destiny Quest Guide Noble District - The Marketplace Quest Guide Khopshef Province Map Guide Architect Recipe Guide Tier 1 The Noble District Quest Guide

Class Info

Assassin Combos Levels 40-59 Updated


Lost In Hyboria - "Public Service Announcement" Lost In Hyboria Collection

Other Content

Confessions of a Forum Junkie: Guide to Official Forum Safety Editorial: Lagging At Launch Clan Interview and Showcase - Brotherhood of Sacred Shadows Discuss this week's hot topics on our forum.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016